Dr. Patrick Leahy

Dr. Patrick Leahy

Security & Risk Specialist

Critical Decision-Making and effective Crisis Preparation and Planning is what keeps the wolf from the door in business.

Get In Touch with Patrick Leahy

Dr Pat Leahy is a director and co-founder of One Team – Risk Management Solutions Limited, he is also a director at the Emergency Management Institute of Ireland (EMII) and currently delivers master’s-level programmes in Emergency Management as an Adjunct Professor at Dublin City University. He has more than 38 years’ experience in crisis and risk management at local, national and international level and as a former Police Commissioner for the Dublin Metropolitan Region, he has broad experience in preparing and effectively implementing crises response activities. As the Chairperson of ‘Capitals Policing Europe’ he has engaged in the development and sharing of international best practice in the area of ‘Strategic Response to Mass Casualty Events’. Pat has been a crisis management strategic planner and practitioner internationally under United Nations Mandates in Namibia, Cambodia, Bosnia and the Middle East (Beirut and Jenin) and has also assisted the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs (Irish Aid Programme) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in Uganda and Malawi.

Pat has a PhD from Dublin City University (DCU) Business School, an International Executive MBA from University College Dublin (UCD – Smurfit), and has also studied ‘Executive Leadership at Harvard (Kennedy School) and Strategy and Innovation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT

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